Giving at St Hilda’s

Our day-to-day work here at St Hilda’s is entirely funded by the generosity of its members.
As people who have experienced the immense generosity of God in our lives, we thankfully contribute to the work that shares God’s love with our community here in Katoomba and around the world.

If you would like to contribute financially towards this work, there are a number of options including;

  1. Cash into the bag/ box at a Sunday service

  2. Online giving (via credit card) - use the button below

3. Direct Deposit -

This is our preferred method for regular giving as there are no transaction charges incurred. Details as follows

BSB: 633 000 Acc: 195933817


It is very important to indicate if you want your contribution to go to a specific use such as supporting our missionaries, a particular project or if you are paying for some church activity.

Many members choose the convenience of regular electronic giving. We want to be open with our use of money, and so audited accounts are available at our annual general meeting each year.